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Recent Items - Properties Vertical

4.195.000 Kr.
Til Salg

Charmerende og velholdt landejendom

Egtved Holt 6, ,
10 ha. grundareal - 234 m2 boligareal
142 Kr.
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Recent Articles - Vertical

Reference: Salg af ejendom gennem strategisk...

jul 02, 2024
Billede af bygningssættet – Fruens Bøge 12 PA Landbrug blev kontaktet af Hans Bang, som ønskede at sælge sin ...
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Reference: Salg af landejendom nær Vejle

jun 21, 2024
I vinteren 2023 blev PA Landbrug kontaktet af Christian Kring, som ønskede at sælge sin landejendom på Tårnvej 76 n ...
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Nyt samarbejde med Hans Brix

jun 03, 2024
Vi er begejstrede over at kunne annoncere, at Hans Brix vil indgå i et samarbejde med PA Landbrug. Hans Brix, en er ...
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List Agents

Jesper Pedersen

Ejendomsrådgiver, Investeringsanalytiker
Jesper beskæftiger sig med analysearbejde, herunder business cases, der bygger på relevant ...

Frederik La Cour Andersen

Ejendomsmægler, MDE
Frederik er uddannet ejendomsmægler MDE og kommer med 10 års erfaring indenfor branchen, h ...

Heine Jensen

CEO, Ejendomsrådgiver
Heine Jensen er stifter af Property Advice og fungerer i dag som CEO og Property Advisor, ...
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Featured Property (available in 4 design variations)

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Testimonial Slider (available in 3 design variations)


We hired the WP Estate team as our buyer agent because they are specifically trained in Short Sale & Foreclosure transactions. All in all I have no doubt that we would have failed to close without an experienced representative such as the professionals at WP Estate working for us, and we are very grateful for all they did.
Lisa Simpson, happy buyer
We hired the WP Estate team as our buyer agent because they are specifically trained in Short Sale & Foreclosure transactions. All in all I have no doubt that we would have failed to close without an experienced representative such as the professionals at WP Estate working for us, and we are very grateful for all they did.
Lisa Simpson, happy buyer
We hired the WP Estate team as our buyer agent because they are specifically trained in Short Sale & Foreclosure transactions. All in all I have no doubt that we would have failed to close without an experienced representative such as the professionals at WP Estate working for us, and we are very grateful for all they did.
Lisa Simpson, happy buyer
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